
I'm in a rock band.

Go to our website for video, free downloadable (is that a word?) tracks and photos...Go! NOW! :D


Since all three of us have day jobs, or middle of the night jobs (Chris), our weekends are our time for glory.*

I am in charge of documenting these weekends. This is pretty important for me as my days off tend to blur together after a while; they get tangled up with my dreams... and what actually happened and what was conjured up by my sub-concious appear to me to be the same thing. Additionally, since I've quit smoking I've been wearing a pretty grumpy face, so it is out of consideration for all of us that I am not actually in a lot of these pictures, at least until I regain some sort of emotional tranquility again.

In other news, the balloons that Chris and Cristian bought me about...a month ago? are still floating. Magic.

So. These are the pictures I took.

*glory = playing music and drinking and all around trouble-making

About to set out on another musical adventure.

We found this awesome little spot at Dolores Park where we could be outside on a rare sunny day and still play music without interruption...but then attracted an audience of some sort...felt pretty special...

Where we go, the frame goes.

Classic long distance, long beard shot.

Same shot, different guy, less facial hair.

Our two new biggest fans.

In the studio, drumming up our new song.

Awesome picture: since you can only tell that I have a bad haircut.

Who is this guy?

So, with all this going on, I feel like I need to stand out more. Make myself unique in this overwhelmed world of imagery...hence: my duck-face/myspace pic. Comments?

I tried.

love, jamie